Subscribe at the bottom of the page for spring 2025 retail events!
At Great Basin Nursery we are dedicated to rewilding the built environment. Our mission is to make accessible resilient, climate appropriate plant material to restore and enhance habitats for both people and the animals that depend upon them.
At Great Basin Nursery, we grow numerous plant species native to the arid and semi-arid western states, primarily focusing on the Great Basin geographic area that spans Eastern Oregon, Nevada, and parts of Utah, Idaho, and California. The majority of our plant material is grown from locally collected seed, with a few species purchased from reputable sources. All of our plants are chosen for their beauty and/or their value in local ecosystems. The nursery is located on 10 acres in Central Oregon and we are embarking on our second season as a wholesale native plant nursery! If you're a landscape contractor, nursery retailer or broker, please contact us for information on pricing and contract grows. If you're a homeowner, please subscribe at the bottom of the page for open house dates and other opportunities to purchase plants!
Drawing upon a background in Landscape Architecture, we also offer guidance and planting design recommendations to help get you started. We realize designing with natives can be daunting and unfamiliar, so please reach out if you'd like assistance creating the wild space of your dreams. If you need assistance with installation, we are happy to recommend talented local landscape contractors.
Below you can find species we commonly carry and additional resources to get you started.

How can I get plants as a retail customer? We aren't open to the public at the nursery but we do sell at the Northwest Crossing Farmer's Market in Bend and host an annual open house in the fall (best time of year to plant natives!). If you are interested in a large quantity of plants, we can fill orders for pickup as well. Subscribe below to get on the list for retail events and open house announcements.
How do I know what you grow? Check out the propagation list below and visit us at the Farmer's Market. We bring numerous species to the markets, complete with pictures and descriptions of each and we're always happy to answer questions and provide advice at the market. Pro tip: the Saturday Market typically dies down at 1:00, so we have a lot more time to answer questions and provide guidance in the afternoon. The market hours are 10-2.
How do I start a wholesale account and go about getting plants? Just send me an email, text or old fashioned phone call. I offer wholesale accounts to all industry professionals and am available weekdays but ask for a heads up prior to arrival since I'm often shuttling my children here and there.
Great Basin Wildflowers: A Guide To Common Wildflowers Of The High Deserts Of Nevada, Utah, And Oregon - Blackwell
Weeds of the West - Whitson (An exhaustive collection of species that are either introduced non-natives or natives that can
Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest - Turner, Gustafson
Encyclopedia of Northwest Native Plants for Gardens and Landscapes - Richter, Robson, Filbert
Ecology and Design - Johnson, Hill
Oregon Wildflowers (app)
Wildflower Search
USDA Plants Database
Oregon Flora Project -Now has an exciting native landscape design tool!
High Desert Native Plant Society

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